Greg, a fan of this site, once asked me, "What are your favorite Horror Movies? That is, the Scariest?"
So here we go, the top 10 SCARIEST movies and each one annotated. Why the explanations? Because everyone ALWAYS questions the reason behind the picks on a top ten list.
*Denotes those movies that had, at one time, been banned or remain so.
One more caveat: There are so many movies that I love that did not make the list. From Lucio Fulci to Peter Jackson. But the question here was not only the best Horror movie, but specifically the SCARIEST movies. Horror has its own Top Ten.
Universal Pictures When Christine (played by Mary Philbin) pulled Erik's (played by Lon Chaney) mask off and his hideous face beneath was revealed, audiences (men and women) screamed and passed out. Some bolted from the theater! You wouldn't be frightened today, as innumerable magazines and various photographs have been on display everywhere depicting "the face". They even have a photo of him without the mask right on the video box cover. Such marketing - so very poor. But the mask coming off proved to be a popular device for scaring folks. The same thing happened with . . . ^ (No scary movies in the 1930s and 40s.) |
Universal Pictures There's no getting around it, even in today's audience savvy world, when you find someone who has never seen Alfred Hitchcock's classic, there is that moment with "Mother" that makes them leap out of their skin. A movie that, like nearly all horror movies, unnerves the audience with a suggestive "It could happen to YOU" undercurrent. Robert Bloch's first masterpiece in movies. Read James Futch's brilliant personal account of the PSYCHO movies. |
Animated killer dolls with human organs inside them; body parts stuffed in bags and still moving; this Peter Cushing classic so pushed the edge of Horror that it was banned in many countries (it remains banned in Finland). Some scenes which were considered Over-The-Top for their time, are still able to deliver the shocks. Robert Bloch's second book-to-movie masterpiece.
Robert Block, Vincent Price, and Peter Cushing all died within a year of each other.
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Universal Pictures Like THE EXORCIST, this movie so terrified audiences that there were people by the thousands (in letters to newspapers and on talk radio shows) who refused to get more than knee deep in the ocean ever again (it didn't help matters when shortly after these declarations, some people in Florida were attacked by sharks in knee deep water!). My father was a body surfing fiend until he saw this movie. He never swam in the ocean again. This Horror / Scary movie is a tribute to Steven Speilberg, who made this film at the very height of his hunger as a film maker. He has made many other good movies in his career, but none so breathtaking as JAWS. This movie, in fact, was so damn scary and influential, that it spawned an entire industry of shark hunters - men fighting their fears by killing sharks. In various interviews, they had all seen Jaws and admitted that it had an effect on them (whether this was for real or just an excuse, who knows?). In the late 1970s and on throughout the 1980s, shark hunting became such an epidemic that the author of JAWS, Peter Benchley, went on record as saying that he was sorry he ever wrote the book. Peter spent the rest of his days volunteering, working, and supporting various shark preservation efforts world wide. And as for you message board clowns who think that a Horror movie can't be scary unless it's rated "R"? JAWS was and still remains rated PG. |
20th Century Fox Shock after shock had audiences leaping from their seats. From the "Face hugger" scene to the infamous chest burster and beyond, Ridley Scott's amazingly claustrophobic movie did what some would consider the impossible: frightened audiences with a futuristic premise that couldn't possibly ever happen to them. With a creature both hideous and elegant, the world was now formally introduced to the amazing art of H.R. Giger. ( |
So there you go. Now argue with me.
March 18, 2002:
I just want to say "Thanks!" to all the folks who have wrote me over this list saying how much they agree with my choices. Some have thought of other scary movies they could add, making the list a top fifteen or twenty, but none felt they could argue with my choices.
I just want to say "Thanks!" to all the folks who have wrote me over this list saying how much they agree with my choices. Some have thought of other scary movies they could add, making the list a top fifteen or twenty, but none felt they could argue with my choices.
Am I amazed?
And how: having been in numerous chat rooms and message boards, I am very surprised that no one has criticized my choices. Not that I'm asking for a kick in the ass, you understand. I'm just... surprised is all. Thanks to everyone who wrote to let me know that I'm on the right track here.
March 13, 2008:
Still no arguments even with all of the new movies that have come out since this was originally posted. No one argues with what I have up here, but many have asked me to expand this list to 15 or 20. Sorry. If it can't make the top ten it doesn't deserve to be here.
Still no arguments even with all of the new movies that have come out since this was originally posted. No one argues with what I have up here, but many have asked me to expand this list to 15 or 20. Sorry. If it can't make the top ten it doesn't deserve to be here.
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